Monday, April 6, 2015

Head ... Case

or, München (ist für die Birds!)

Skulking up Schwanthalerstraße recently, past the Deutsches (on the left hand side) ... the Nokem store and that hookah place, I double take as I notice a large bird -- tweeting and making strangled noises auf Deutsch -- flying down the otherwise empty street toward me, my own beak directly in its sights.

I'm not sure whether to freeze or keep walking ... duck or run ... fight or fly away myself.   I decide, after giving it some thought, just to stand there and shit my pants.

Photo of Jglo - distorted Jeff Glovsky

This fiendish Archaeopteryx, apparently sensing my response, pulls up at the last moment ... leaving me to marvel at the sanctity of life and nature ... with an excretion of some sort dripping down my forehead, but otherwise, none the worse for wear from our run-in!

Nonetheless, since then, I'm wearing a diaper.  On my head ... just in case.

Better sorry, and safe ...